The 2008 WTS Halloween Boogie was a great success!

We couldn't have asked for better weather during the 2008 WTS Halloween Boogie. There were 100+ people registered for the boogie which completed 49 loads and 591 Jumps. Each morning started with jumpers lined up at manifest to get on the $12 8 am loads and each evening ended with jumpers getting that one last jump of the day before the sunset.
Thanks so much for all those who helped , attended, organized loads, did coach jumps, set up, take down and everything in-between. The overall feedback is that it was a Boogie to remember. Huge thanks to the sponsors, manufactures, vendors and companies that donated items to the Saturday evening raffle. They a part of the puzzle that makes our Boogie as successful as it is.
Congrats to JB and Amanda for winning the best Halloween Costume Contest. We are fortunate that McCain and Palin had the time to stop by our boogie and socialize with us. Our USPA Regional Director, Vic Johnson, even made it to the Boogie and jumped several times including trying out a wingsuit after instruction with Justin from Flock University.
McCain Palin McCain Palin

Some other pics from the boogie!


Saturday, November 1st Raffle Items included:

Bev Suits Wings Square 1 Atli 2
Vector3 Go Wear Sun Path
Bone Head Composits Cookie Paragear FireFly Suits
Jumper Sports Wear Body Sports
Migrage Deepseed
Vigil Aerodyne